Meaning of Jessica name, name definition, origin of Jessica name, popularity and history of Jessica, name meaning in the Bible/Torah/Quran? Analysis, gender of Jessica, acrostic poem about Jessica other details;


Jessica Name Meaning and History

What Does Jessica Mean and History? First used by Shakespeare in his play The Merchant of Venice. Probably based on the biblical Jesca, from the Hebrew Yiskah meaning "God beholds".


Pronounced: j EH s ih k uh

Origin of Jessica Name


Gender of Jessica


Analysis of Jessica

Users of this name Depends on Family , High ability of Persuasion , Patriotic , Stubborn , Zany , Sensitive

Jessica Statistics

  • Color of Jessica name: Pink
  • Number of letters of Jessica: 7

Letter Analysis:

Specific analysis for each letter;

J : Trade are prone
E : Logical
S : Elegant
S : Elegant
I : Zany
C : Obedient
A : Helpful

What is the Numerology of Jessica?

Jessica name meaning Jessica name analysis


Numerology offers an insight into the personality by assigning numeric values to the letters contained in names.

J : 10
E : 5
S : 19
S : 19
I : 9
C : 3
A : 1

Total = 66

Popularity of Jessica Name

UK, USA, Australia, Portugal, Spain.

At the end of the year 2000, Jessica was riding high as the fifth most popular girls’ name. However, recent years have seen a dip in its popularity. By 2013, the name had slipped into 13th place.

Characteristics of Jessica

Jessica Numerology Analysis;Dignified , Strong , Athletic , Discreet , Loves to Read and Research , Successful in Business


Acrostic Poem About Jessica

J is for Jewel, you’re a sparkling diamond,
E is for Excellent, I am glad you’re here with me
S is for Sweetheart, you’re not shy of any boy.
S is for Sweetheart, you’re not shy of any boy.
I is for Infectious, I am really stuck on you,
C is for Crazy, because we’ve had amazing times,
A is for Alive, that’s how you make me feel.

Is there a more beautiful poem for the name Jessica? Send us will publish it for you.

Is there Jessica name in the Bible/Torah/Quran?

Jessica name hasn’t been found in the Bible/Torah/Quran

Spelling Alphabet

A spelling alphabet, voice procedure alphabet telephone alphabet etc.

NATO U.S. States Countries

South Carolina
South Carolina
Czech Republic

Famous People and fact Named Jessica

Jessica is the name of Shylock’s daughter in “The Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare.

The name is very popular in the US, where some sources say that one in every 2,000 girls is called Jessica.

Is Jessica name fit for baby name ?

Our research results for the name of Jessica (Jessica name meaning, Origin of Jessica, Pronounced etc. ) is fit name.You can give to your baby with complacency.

Similar names and nicknames for Jessica

Jassica ,Jecca ,Jesaca ,Jesika ,Jess ,Jessa ,Jessah ,Jessame ,Jesse ,Jessicka ,Jessie ,Jessika ,Jessy ,Yessica
